Transformable Structures

ARCH 3020: Maine Coast Studio - Spring Semester 2014

Transformable Structures is a system of transformable architecture that can be deployed in the warm summer months and collapsed in the cool winter months. The primary audience for these structures are children and researchers visiting Schoodic Educational Research Center and Cow Island. The main issue with current structures found at SERC and Cow Island is practicality; existing housing and research posts found at these locations are either permanent structures that do not serve the goals of the occupants or temporary structures that are inefficient for the weather conditions. The primary goal of Transformable Structures is to address these issues using fabric architecture. Through the use of fabric and operable joints, the structures are not only transformable, but also address climate and environmental conditions of the site. Additionally, the structures seek to provide spaces that allow occupants to play, research, rest, and meet.

Two designs are proposed. The first is a large, 8000 sq. ft. performance venue that will placed over existing structures (the helipad at Schoodic and one of the bunkers at Cow Island). This venue will allow visitors to meet and/or view performances. The overhead structure is operable and allows full, partial, or minimal coverage from weather conditions using a fabric covering. The second design proposal is a small, deployable shelter that can be used for sleeping, meeting, or research. The shelters are placed along pre-existing hiking trails. It utilizes a pulley system, a keder system, and fabric to create a space that is closed off from the elements and provides occupants with a clean, spacious setting.