Dune Brickscape
MAS ETH DFAB 2023: Endless Wall
The goal of this project was to utilize a Universal Robot Printer to move bricks along an endless path; the concept was to create and endless “tundra with dunes”. The design and toolpath of the UR5 and bricks were designed in Rhino, Grasshopper, and Python. Inspiration was taken from Barchan Dunes, a crescent shaped dune created by strong winds in desert regions. As the wind changes, Barchan dunes migrate, a strong characteristic of our project. The UR5e utilized air and suction to lift small wooden bricks to continuously move the design linearly down an endless path forward. Partners: Ana Ascic, Yo Cheng Lee
Software: Rhinoceros 7, Grasshopper, Python, Adobe Photoshop, UR5e