3D Printed Voronoi Shoe I

ARCH 5500: The World is Flat - Spring Semester 2015

The Voronoi Shoe is a project developed in partnership with OESH Shoes, a local Charlottesville company focused on designing comfortable running shoes for women. Using Grasshopper for Rhino, a voronoi component was applied to a planar surface and then projected onto a size 9 women's basic shoe shape (3D scanned using Autodesk 123D Catch). Once the design was completed digitally, multiple iterations were printed using different 3D printers and materials. The first iteration was printed on a Stratasys Dimension printer using ABS plastic. Issues with the digital geometry appeared in the print and therefore the digital model was reworked and reprinted in two smaller iterations. The final iteration was printed on OESH's 3D printer using nylon, which proved to be a more flexible material in comparison to ABS. 

Software: Rhinoceros 5, Grasshopper, V-Ray, Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator